“rapid-fire critical thinking based on solid science”
—John S. Mead, middle school life sciences teacher
After Grandmother Fish, Karen and I raised money for Clades, an animal-matching game based on evolutionary relationships. We raised enough money to create a second version of the game, Clades Prehistoric, with all prehistoric species. We have shipped the games to Kickstarter backers, and now they’re available to the general public.
Here’s a link to a how-to video from evolution communicator PZ Myers.
Here’s a link to the Kickstarter video, which explains the game and the thinking behind it.
What is a clade? In biology, a “clade” is a complete branch of the evolutionary family tree. It defines categories of living things by their evolutionary history. This powerful concept has revolutionized the way scientists classify living things, and our new game makes it easy and fun.
Playing Clades: The Clades game consists of 83 cards. Each card has one, two, or three types of animals illustrated on it. On any given card, the animals are all from one of three major clades: mammals, reptiles (including birds), or arthropods (insects, crustaceans, and arachnids). Players try to be the first to spot a match of three cards among 12 cards played face-up on the table. Each player also has a secret card that only they can use to make a match. If you spot a match, you collect those three cards, and whoever has the most cards at the end is the winner. If the match is a “clade” match, such as “all mammals”, gives you extra cards. The special Mollusk and Ray-Finned Fish cards also earn you bonus cards. During play, you never wait for someone else to take their turn, and you never get eliminated from the game. You can even play solitaire. It’s for ages 6 to adult, and the instructions include several ways to balance the game when some players are more skilled than others.
Karen’s cute art: Every card features Karen’s spirited, detailed animal drawings. The animals are arranged on the card according to their evolutionary history. In the case of birds, for example, robins and eagles are more closely related to each other than they are to ostriches.
Clades Prehistoric: This version of the game uses all prehistoric animals. Dinosaurs! Pterosaurs! Marine reptiles! You can even combine cards from both decks to play a combination game.
After the Clades Kickstarter, we made a deal with Atlas Games, a publisher of great tabletop games. They have published Clades and Clades Prehistoric, and they’ll be able to get it into more stores than Karen and I could on our own.
Karen and I are once again honored and encouraged to find people who support our vision of fun-loving evolution science for kids. Thank you for your interest in Clades.
Official press release: https://www.prlog.org/12705973.html

A cladogram of the animals in Clades
Thank You, Backers
Here are the backers who made Clades and Clades Prehistoric possible.
Tommy Ace; Dr. Susan MW Achen; Morgan Ada; Peter D Adkiso; aeromathus; Brendan Alexander; Alisa; Brian Allred; Hrishi & Torion Amar; Amber S.; Amelia; David Amidon; Thomas Amon; Ana Sciencenglish-Making science fun; Autumn & Gretchen Anderson; Joshua Anderson; Matt Andrews; Ollie Angiello; anonymous; Jennifer Apple; Bob Arens; Armando; Tom Asakawa; Atticus & Gabriel; Brook B; Dr. B @ SSU; Juan B.; Dave Ballard; Civit Barbardos Bang; Brandon Barnes; Eli Barrieau; David Barry; The Barrys; Justin Bartel; BartEverson.com; Greg Bartman MMA & Self-Defense; Zach Barwell; The Battey Family; Wolfgang Baur; Kathryn Bay; Finn and Cai Bear; Nicola Beard; Thomas Beatty; Tyler Beck; Belgian Clade team; Owen Bell; Bessie and Greta; Bonnie Beyea; Henry Edward Bidlack; Katie Binde; David Binder; Biohazard Jeff; Roger D. Birkhead; Mikael Björk; Joe and Sammy Black; The Black Orchard; The Blanco Family; Lovebug Blane and the Warfenhorton Clan; The Blinks; Blue Heron Entertainment LLC; bobthecow85; Mofwangana Bogogono; Devon Ian Bonde; Ronan & Milo Boomhower; Robert Booth; R. Jason Boss; Athens Carboni Boykin; Vladyslav and Akim Boyko; Rowan Kumara Bradley-Wright; Vivian & Grady Brandt; Parker Breunig; Darwin Bromley; Spencer Bronte; Nancy Broshot; Matthew Brown; Rosalind Franklin Brown; Sarah Brown; Joel Bruce; Christina Bryant; Bryn-Emma; Dennis and Carrie Bucklin; Matthew Bull; Dorothy Bullard; Keith & Anne Burgess; Steve Burnett; Caroline Agnes Burns; Liz Calandrino; Cory Calhoun; The Calme Family; Diana Camosy; Emily Campbell; Paul Cancellieri; Caitriona Carlin; Alyssa Carlson; Derek Carroll; Erica Cartmill & Jacob Foster; Molly Caruso; Casie; Marcela Cely; Rik Chandler; Ruoh-Yeng Chang; Albert Chen; Inara and Ada Chewning; Sarah Childers; Betty Chiu; Brian Choo; Chi-Fu Chou; The Chow Family; Christina; Vano Chu; Aaron Churchill; Billy Cibulka; Emma Clare; Honora Clark; Jennifer Clarke Wilkes; Jonathan B. Clayton; The Cleland-Host Family; Travis and Sarah Cleveland; Ted Cloak; Club Balonesto Zona Press; Coen; Raine Collin; Katie, Nathaniel and Nicholas Collins; The Collyer FEST; Greg Conant; Lochlan Conard; Lauren M. Connolly; Bryce Cook; Chris K. Cook; Kith & Keir Cook; Bruce R Cordell; Courban; Kim Cox; The Craftholes; Jenni Creagh – The Dinosaur Lady; CeCe Crosby; Hayden Crum; Gillian Cubbage; Veronica Cummins; Curious traveler; Jaye D.; Robert da Silva; Julie Daellenbach; Luca and Amelie Dall’Oste; Danielle; Anne Danielson-Francois; Thorsten Dankworth; Darren; Darton Family; Lane Daughtry; Menotomy Dave; Leoria, Estalee, and Idabelle Davenport; J. E. Davis; Mike De Groote; Mark De Verno; Jon DeBruin; Zach Deegan; Brady DeGroot; Kieran DeHaan; Arinn Dembo; Genevieve Demma; Lela and Ada Derrick; james r. derry; Shannon DeVaney; Diane @A2HealthHacks.org; Meig Dickson; Gabriela Dontu; Brett and Alton Dooley; Scott Dornian; Doucet Family; Rose and Ruby Drellishak; Kira M.M. Dunham; Steven A. Dunlap; Spencer Dupre; Alana Duran and Tom Parkin; Oliver Durant; Evalien Duyvesteyn; Irena and Miklos Dvorak; Jacob Dyer; Aaron Dykstra; Bobby E.; Dan Eastwood; Scott A Ecelberger; Adam Monier Edwards; JKLM Eggleston; Rosalind Einin; Ihriel Apollo Eisbrenner; Myrhat Eliot; elizabeth; Ellie; Elliot; Embry Family; Mark Englebright; Ethan; Holden Everette; EW; Kelly Faber; Kenneth Fair; Ethan & RJ Fallows; Andy Farke; The Feigenbaum Family; Michael Feldhusen; Michael Felias; Jesse Ferguson; Cecilia Fernandes Ferreira; Nya Filipiak; Finlay, Jasper & Quinlan; Emily Firkus; Benjamin M Fisher; M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid; Sean Flaherty; Forrest Fleming; Walter Floth; R. Fodor-Perkins; Foley & Gibson; Maggie, Lizzie, and the Foleys; FoolSinc; Johanna Fornberg; Brook Freeman; Elliott Freeman; Molly Coraline French; Freya & Elise; Tristan Blase Fried; Fringebits; Anthony Friscia; Jovie Futch; Dave G; Roberta G; R Ganetzky; Richard Gant; Richard Garfield; Garrett and Malcolm; Abigail & Cooper Garske; Jose A Gaudier; Liam and Xander Gauthier; Dan Geary; Genesee Valley School Library System; Kordak Genovese; Daniel Gentile; George; Germain Family; Shanna Germain; William Irl Gibbs IV; Andy Gibson; Dr. Jacquelyn Gill; Vicki Gill; Josh Gillis; Mitch Gitelman; Robin Gitelman; Samuel Glass; Micah Glass-Siegel; Jeremy Goldin; Arthur Goldsipe; Ralph Gomes; Marcus Good; Mischa Goodman; Will Goring; Graf; Dianna Graham; Brenda Gray; Naomi Green; Cindy Gresham; Sean, Jami, Xavier and Dresden Grey; Zach a grimes, MSc; Laura Grogan; Gus Grosch; Corrinne Grover; Jack Gulick; Russ Gullekson; Jill Gunkel; Elizabeth Gurnack; Trent M. Guth; Emma Claire Hackett; Zoë Emory Hale; Violet and Dash Halliday; Ada Helen Hammer-Hall; Lord Liam Hams, MD; Anne Hanna; Hannah & Maxwell; Diane Hardee; McKay Harris; Gordon Hart; Mo Hassan; Ruud Havenith; Jessica Hawthorn; Jenea Hayes; Heather; Thomas A. Hegna; Bryan Heine; Rob Heinsoo; The Hendersons; Mona Hennigar; Natalie Hertogh; Ronja Hirth; Simon Hiscock; Søren J Hoang; Emily, Steve, and Estelle Holder; Kaylee Holscher; Thomas W Holt Jr; Ms. Honeydew; The Honore Boys; HumBao Hooper; Xander Hope; Amy Horton and Adam Thornton; Steven Hosford; Russell Hoyle; Amy Huber; Terry Huddy; The Huff Family; Paul Hughes; Mary Hughes; Dr. Rebecca Humphrey; Humston-Ackermann Family; 100 Chickens; Tim Hunkapiller; Paul Hunter; Alan L. Hutchison and Kate A. S. Carter; Tam Huynh; Noah Iliinsky; Ben Imker; Mason Jacklin; Heather Jackson; Norrin & Anakin Jackson; William and Aidan Jacobs; Kristian “Rompcat” Jaech; Valdemar Jakobsen; Mr. Bo Jangles Esquire; Jaqlin; Kaylee Jaquette; Samuel Jaramillo; Jayden & Sophia; Jennifer of Camp Quest AZ; Jim at Carolina Friends School; Jodi & Caci; Hans Johansson; Caitlin Johnson; Nathan Johnson; Ulysses G. Johnson; William Terence Fiedler Johnson; Tom Johnston; Liane Jokl; Hadley Jolley; Jeffrey Jones; Jett Jones; Megan A. Jones; Gissur Jónsson; Timothy Joseph; Henrique Cesar Lemos Juca; Rosalee Juehring; The Justice League; Avani Kaimal; Kaisa and Siiri; Nesox Kalim; The Kammersell Family; Steve Karafit; Robin Kassiday; Dain Kavars; Emma Keating; Shelby Keating; The Keep family; Mike Keesey; Eleanor Keil; Frances Kemper; Leslie Kendall; Loo Choo Khong; Mark King; John and Rebekah Kirby; Audrey & Tim Kirk; D. Kiss; Isaac Klein; KLM; Peter Knudson; Christoph Kohlhauser; R. E. Kornelson; Yves-Laurent Kowalski; Dub Krieg; Peter Kriss; Alexis L; Fabien L; Timothy L.; Quinnie B Laanstra; Chris Lackey; Kenneth Lacovara; Emma and Julia LaDuc; Lady Zygoptera; Lake Erie College School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; The Lalishes; Jacob Landis; Devin Landon; Olivier, Keelan, Aurelia, and Roran Lapointe; Larissa; Jerome Laux; Doug & Melanie LaVigne; Joël Leblanc; Phil Ledgerwood; D. Lee; Godric Lee; Milo Lee; Douglas Leffert; Monica LeMaster; Diana Lennox; Chris and Renita Leong; Serenity Joy Snyder Leung; Gregory Lewerenz; Cora Jane Lewis; Michael C Lewis; Charlie & Anna Lichtenwalner; Chris Lilley; Mary Linville; Jason Lioi; Patricia Lomax; Frank Lopez; William K Lucas; Luki; Liz Lupton; Christina M; Evie & Abby M; Jesse M.; Hugh & Ian MacDonald; The Maclean Clan; BJ and AR MacNevin; David Maddison; Mark Maginity; Magpie; malamoney; Curtis Manley & Becky Turnbull; Gena, Nick, Dante, and Vivian Mann; Jordi Marcé-Nogué; Joe Marflak; Marianya; Heather Marie; Marie-Hélène Marier; The Marks-Rice Family; Brett Marshall; Caitlin Marshall; Beverly Marshall Saling; Steve “Bob” Martin; John WS Marvin; Corin Mason; Eric Massengill; Rodney Mauricio; Robert Maxwell; Landen Mayenfels; Ellie Mayer; Hunter Mayer; Kaspar Mazeres; Jocelyn McAuley; Missy McClure; Jeff McCord; Anne McCrady; Ian McFarlin; Christopher J. McGrath; William and Jeanette McKibbin; Holly McKidsonpants; Gwendolyn McKinney; Win McLaughlin; John S. Mead; Rick Meadows; Theresa Mecklenborg; Arlene Medder; Susan Medley; Roy & Skye Meinel; Daniël P Melters; Memoryjar; Jennifer Menken; Lance Menthe; Jake Merold; Metztli & Kiele; Daniel Michael; Emily Middleton; Megan Mignogno; Kyle Miller; Mindy; Kirsten Moe; Hayley Kilroy Mollmann; Cheldric Moneypenny; Sherri Monroe; Willow & Elliot Montgomery; Rachael Morgan; Richard Morrow; Adam Moss; Chris Mruzik; Sylfest Muldal; David Muñoz; Annika, Russell, & Baby Murphy; Evelyn Murphy; Riley Murphy; Janice Murray; Matt Murray; Andy Mutton; Marcia and Robbie Myers; PZ Myers; Gemma & Csende Nagy; Albert Nakano; Connie Neese; Graham Nelson & Cora Wolf; Judy Nesmith; NEUFFER FAMILY; Dean Ernest Arthur Nicolson; Nicx; Niepel Family; 940 & 941; NK; Aidan & Addyson Noblet; Nomes; J. Chandler Norris; The O’Brien Family; John Timothy O’Leary; Danny O’Neill; Stephanie O’Rourke; Bob Oesterreich; Clan Ogden; Ohashi-san; Olstead family; Ona; Ericka and Si Otterman; Mrs. P; Monica Pair; Neve Palmer and Erin Palmer; Ivy Parsons; Clark & Juno Patterson; Lily Darwin Paulson; Ronan Pearce, lover of all things animal; Grandma Penny; Jourdan Perla; Greg Perry; Cassandra Perryman; Laura Petelle; Alexa & Theo Petersen; Tiffany Petty; Pfeiffer; David Phan; Roland Philippsen; Elly Phillips; Kurt Phillips; Sonja Phillips; Matt Pierz; Daniel Pilchman; Patrick & Sarah Pilgrim; Michael Pisanti; Deb platt; L. Plazinski & D. Lipp; Almino Po’strani; Jack Pokorny; The Polito Family; Kieran & Ash Power; Laura Prevo; Rebecca Price; Robert Prior; Heather Pritchett; Lynn Prosen; Jack and Grace Pulcastro; Ronald Pyatt; Quality Beast; Stephanie Quihuiz; Steven Edgar Quillen; Kelsey Quinn; Maeve Quinn; Julie Raasch; Joseph Rawlins; Janet Ray; Jason Ray; Siri Rea; Stacy E. Read; Beth Anne Reichenbach; Henrik Reuther; Anthony Rice; Tex & Nicole Riddell; Chris Riley; Pilar Ritcherson; RJ & Elizabeth Ritter; Baron Kurt Rivera; Jesse Roberts; Jaimie Robertson; Wade Rockett; Wes Rogers; rone; Rory; Rodolfo Rosini; Elliott Humphrey Ross; Patrick Ross; Zev Roth-Stewart; Trevor Rotzien; Rowin; Rufus; Tammie Webb Ryan; Ryley; Eva S.; Pedro S.P.H.; Dan, Pamela and Callie Sabath; Kali Sakai; Steve Salisbury; Charles W. Salts; Desmond Sander; Gabriel-Philip Santos; “Uncle Jon” Sari; Joe Schelin; Kylie and Keira Schiebenes; Erica Schmitt; Leah Joy Schmitz; Martin Schramm; Mark Schreiber; Schroeder Family; Amy & Robin Scott; Keely Searle; The Searls Family; Secular Yakking; Adele Seelke; Bob Seidensticker; Mike Selinker, Lone Shark Games; Maja Seselj; Shapiro Family; Cory S. Sheffield; The Sibbing Family; Silas and Lars; Roger Sinasohn and Family; Ryland K.H. and Amelia L.H. Sinden; John Skarha; Art and Amanda Smith; Aurelia Smith; Bradley Smith; Jennie Smith; Traeh Smith; Snook Family; Jason Snowden; Gigi and Josie Somera; Ryan Somma; Kayleigh and Emaline Sousa; Trip Space-Parasite; Lisa M Spaulding; Elizabeth Speigle and Jens Rushing; Sofia Charlize Spinello; Squirmyworm & Squiddywid; Stacey & Justin; Joanna Staebler-Kimmel; stargatekrewe; Melody Starr; Liz Staub; Jonathan T. Steele; The Steeves Family; Rebecca Stein; MEM & EZM Steiner; Quynn Stenseth; Erin Stergius; David Straayer; Studio 252MYA; Andrew Sturman; Nicholas Stylianou; The Suboken Project; Echo Summer-Berson; Tim Surman; Bill Capehart & Andrea Surovek; Susan, Lyra and Cadia; Suzcin; Sarah Swanson; Susan E. Swogger; Swords & Stationery; Jerome T.; Rodolfo T; Benjamin A. Tagle; Taki Sachi Masa Erika Keith; Sagan and Beatrix Taylor; Team Awesomesauce; Team Taylor; Beth Louise Tennant; Adalyn Thibodeaux; Thorn; Jennifer Thorson; TinkerHouse Games; Aser Tolentino; Tom; Heather L Toothaker; Therese Totten; Mason and Declan Tracy; Mary Tromp; Chad Trout; Trumby; Zachary Trunkely; Philipp Tsenin; Tessa Tweet; Claudia Karen Tynes; The Tynes Family; Ada Ulland; UU Church of Bloomington; Matthew Van Wie; Eva Varga; VenAtlas; Frank and Megan Vesel; Vichaya and Vivee; Samara Videira Zorzato; Vila Family; Draven VillwockTaylor; Leonora Violette; The Wade Family; Moksh Wadhwani; Stephanie Wagner; Kathleen Walker; Ash Walter; Alisha Walton; Boater Wang; Claus Appel Yuxiao Wang; Wanwan and Xixi; Lester Ward; Faye Warzyk; Steven K. 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